How it works ?
How we work to increase your business sales ?
Step-1: First meeting with client
Meeting with client and understand client business modal
Suggest most economical and effective business modal to the client
Signing of contact agreement
Step-2: Prepare a business modal (Demo)
Demo demonstration to the client and do needful changes to Go-Live
Do final test before Go-Live
Go-Live and training to client staff for day to day operations
Step-3: Start Promotions after Go-Live
Prepare required marketing material for client business promotion
Prepare a schedule for online promotion
Start promotion and track performance
Step-4: Tracking for conversion and report preparation
Track daily visitors and sales
track order and follow-ups
Intimate to client for order & it's delivery
track successful closer of sales
initiate repeat order and references for more clients
Step-5: Execute monthly closer
Monthly transaction report
Matching monthly payment transfer
Matching monthly advance payment transfer
Matching monthly balance payment transfer
Matching last month balance payment transfer
Matching next month balance payment transfer
Monthly billing & payment
Calculate monthly sales
Calculate monthly sales returns
Calculate monthly orders
Calculate monthly cancel orders
Calculate monthly sales commission
Planning for next month sale
Add new products
Remove discontinue products
Update stock availabilities
Update new pricing
Filter proposed sales
Call and follow-up planning


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