Punjab National Bank Auctions for Flat in Madhotal, Jabalpur
Property Category: Residential
Reserve Price: Rs.23,41,710/-
EMD: Rs.2,34,171/-
Property Details
Al that part and parcel of immoveable property and construction thereon having Unit No.593 (with built-up area on ground floor 480 sq ft. that is 44.61 sq. mtr.) in developed residential celony “Samdariya Green City” situated in Mouza P.H.NO.1 (new), 25/31 (cld), diverted tand Khasra No.104/3 Madrietal, N.8.660, rakwa0.667 Hect.. Khasra No. 109/4 rakwa 0.010 Hect. Khasra No. 108’2 akwa 0.213 Hect, Khasra No. 104/4 rakwa 0.275 Hect., Khasra No. 108/3 rakwa 0.212 Khasra No.110/3 rakwa 0.101 Hact., Khasra No. 110/4 rakwa 0.101 Hect, total Hect., Khasra No.109/3 akwa 0.010 Hect.. Khasia No.103/1-2 гачка 0.392 Hect., Khasra No. 103/3 rakwa 0.395 Hect.. Khasra No.103/4 rakwa 0.787 Hect, rakwa 3.163 Hect., Khasra flo 11/3 rakwa 0.975 Hest, Khasra flo. 100/1 alwa 0.526 Hect., Khasia No. 101/1 rakwa 0.514 Hect., Khasra No. 104/1 rakwa 0.075 Hect., Khasra No. 109/2 rakwa 0.172 Hect., Khasra No.110/1 rakwa 0.579 Hect, Khasra No.111.2 rakwa 0.026% Hect, Khasra No. 1/5 гакша 0.975 Hect, Khasra No.1002 rakuwa 0.526 Hect., Khasra No.161/2 rakvia 0.534 Hect., Khasra No.104/2 rakvra 0.075 Hect., Khasra No.109/3 rakwa 0.172 Hect, Khasra No. 1 10/2 rakwa 0.579 Чеct, Khasra No. 1:1/3 rakwa 0.026% Hect, total rakwa 5.755 Hect., Khasia Nc. 11/6 rakwa 1.109 Hect., Khasra No.11/7 akwa 1.109 Hact, Khasra No. 11/8 rakwa 1.619 Hect, khasra No.11/6, 11/7 11/8 2.937 Hect. lond that is after losving land of C.900 Hect, out of total rakwa 3.837 Hect, se efter including all total takwa 3.163+5.755+2.537 11.355 Hect, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Ward Madhotal, Tehsil and District Jabalpur (MP), plot ares admeasuring 25 ft. x 40 ft. 1000 sq ft (92.94 sq mtr) situated on part of Khasra No.104/4 and which is bouncoc as under co por registered sale deed dated 20.01.2022 North: Unit No. 554, South: Unit No.592, East: Unit No.585, West: Colony side road, Owser & Mortgagor Shri Ajt Singh Yadav S/o Shri Virendra Yadav and Shri Vishesh Singh Yadav Sio Shri Virendra Yacav. Auction Ref No. PUNB62220010
Borrower Name: Shri Ajit Singh Yadav
Property Category: Residential
Property Type: Flat
Property Locality / Area: Madhotal
Property City: Jabalpur
Property State: Madhya Pradesh
Property Auction Details
Property Auction Type: Sarfaesi Auction
Property Auction Start Date and Time: 23-10-2024 12:00 PM
Property Auction End Date and Time: 23-10-2024 05:30 PM
Property Bid Submission Date and Time: 23-10-2024 05:30 PM
Bank Details
Contact No.:
Bank Name: Punjab National Bank
Bank Branch: Circle Sastra Centre